Monday, August 29, 2011

A Little Goes Along Way

Matthew 16:9-10, "Do you not yet understand or remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets full you picked up? Or the seven loaves of the four thousand, and how many large baskets full you picked up?"

The cliche is a little in the Master's hands goes a long way. And this is very true. God has never asked us to do more than we are able. The little boy had a few loaves and a couple of fish and with it Jesus fed five thousand men.

Too often we think that our little is too little to be used when the very opposite is true. Take Lilly for example. If her financial need is $350 for example. Over 100 people viewed that post. If everyone would give $3.50 then what an incredible expression of God's love.

Here is another great example on huge proportions. The church I attend took up a special offering last week in hopes of raising $125,000 to send food to the camps of starving people in Africa. This $125K in turn would feed 44000 for quite a while. On Sunday they announced the $125K had come in. Pretty incredible. It did not happen this way , but had it been divided evenly over the congregation it would probably amount to $20 per person given. Reality is some gave none while others gave a lot and everything in between.

This is just the financial side of giving. Who does not have $3.50. Everyone reading this post does, even if its in a jar of change. But there is so much more than our money we have to give. What about time?

Time is a great one, and again it does not take giving someone your weekend to make a difference. Sometimes it is just 5 or 10 min that makes all the difference in the world. And for those who say they don't have even 5 minutes, I would remind them they just spent that amount of time reading this. So sure you do.

Give a little to someone today. Then as the body of Christ all our little efforts will mount up to be something gigantic as God puts them to His use. Additionally as the body of Christ you are giving to yourself. It truly is the law of sowing and reaping coming to life.

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