Tuesday, August 2, 2011

611 (iii)

Luke 16:10, "He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much..."

At this point, updating the 611 of my life is not really something I "want" to do, but purely an act of obedience.

It has been 2 full months since June 1st when I decided to completely surrender to God, and to trust Him as my Provider and my Provision. He continues to envelope me in His presence daily, to hug me with His arms of love, and to speak to me heart. His loving relationship to me is truly provision and all I need to exists.

As Provider I have seen Him continue to move, and to increase. In June there was $300 of miraculous provision. In July there was $2300 in miraculous provision. The running total continues to climb as my real job continues to suffer. The deficit on my arbitrary scale is down to -29. Still moving the wrong direction but again God's movement as Provider is trending upward.

Jim, my provision coach, sent me a text the other day after I told him about a $600 blessing. It said, "He who is faithful in very little things it faithful also in much." Funny as it may sound, that whole scripture changed meanings for me in the context of coming from him. I know Jim, and he was not saying to be faithful going forward. He was saying faithfulness was rewarded. I have always been taught that the faithful in the little things would be to spend the $600 appropriately. That I needed to be faithful with the money. But somehow that text was a statement that God had just paid me for my obedience in ministry. It was as if God was saying, your blog and the little act of obedience it represents has produced this. Said another way, it was the "things being added" to the seeking first the kingdom of God.

To explain this in yet another way for understanding. If Jesus is the vine and I am the branch, then this branch is budding. From budding, there will come a flowering, from the flower comes the fruit. The bud, flower, and fruit are God's riches in glory. The $300 in June and the $2400 in July are God supplying my needs according to His riches in glory.

Get it?

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