Friday, August 26, 2011

Love Somebody

Romans 12:15-16 , "Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Be of the same mind toward one another; do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the lowly. Do not be wise in your own estimation."

Time and time again the Bible reminds us there is nothing to fix. We simply are to "be" with one another. Rejoicing with the happy and weeping with the sad. Add to that the humility to know that we are not more wise than God, so by inference obedience to His inspiration is the true wisdom.

Lilly was a great example yesterday of obedience on so many levels. It was not my task to solve her problem. But it was my godly task to do what I could and bring some dignity to her disparage. But there are so many more people who need what we have, and that need is not for anything financial.

In fact, in my experience, money is the last thing they need. The grieving widow or widower often needs me to reflect Christ in the form of a companion willing to jump into their grief and be with them in it. The rape victim needs from me my limited empathy. and to be reassured often that it was not their fault. They need me to encourage forgiveness. The physically abused sometimes need nothing more than a hug, and to know that real love is out there. The homosexual needs love without condemnation, and to know I can love them without accepting or loving the sin. The sick need prayer. The lonely need someone to talk to. The prisoner needs a visit.

We have what someone needs. And what we have is to simply be a reflection of Christ in the moment.

In my visit to Austin my friend's wife said, "Can you imagine what would happen if those with extra just gave to one person in need?" To that I replied, Can you imagine if 10% of those with extra would give to one person in need? There would be no needs.

Once again, I will remind you of Jim Spivey's words, "“God's Love is self-revealing (you won't have to ‘look for’ Him, He will just ‘show up’) and self-animating (you won't have to ‘wonder what to do,’ it will be self-evident), after you complete your self-crucifying (having fully accepted the death of all of your fear-based illusions).”

You do not have to "look" for opportunities to love as a reflection of Christ. But you do have to obey by doing something when that opportunity "self-reveals."

Go out and love somebody today!

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