Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Kingdom of God

Luke 4:43, Jesus said, "But He said to them, 'I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, for I was sent for this purpose.'"

What is the kingdom of God? Why did Jesus mention those exact terms 57 times? Why did some gospel writers substitute kingdom of Heaven for the same terms? Why did He send out people to "proclaim the kingdom of God and to perform healing."

Christians in mass understand salvation, and that Christ died for our sins. Charismatics in mass understand there is a power of the Holy Spirit available for so much including power to heal. But not many understand the kingdom of God. And to be frank, I can see a whole lot more than I understand, and can articulate even less. But scripture says Jesus was sent for the purpose of preaching the kingdom of God.

This would make sense given that nearly everything coming out of His mouth was about the kingdom of God. Nearly every parable was about the kingdom of God. But wait. I thought Christ purpose was to provide the body with salvation?

This is true, but this is a bi-product or necessary precursor for His real purpose of proclaiming the kingdom of God. Salvation is the first step to entering the kingdom of God.

For generations we have been taught that Christianity is about salvation, then overcoming, with no discussion of entering the kingdom of God until we die. I for one have been taught that the part of us that enters the kingdom of God is some resurrected form of our flesh after we physically die. But the kingdom of God is not to come in some distant future, to be experience post physical death. It is here. Jesus said, it is at hand.

So what is it?

The kingdom of God is a place that exists on a spiritual plane. The Greek word used by Jesus in every case was Basileia. Somewhere in history this word lost its original meaning of a physical place, a kingdom, and took on a more action oriented meaning of a reign or kingship. To Plato, a Greek, he understood the word to be a royal palace, and why not? The royal palace is the seat of power for a kingdom. But a kingdom is a place, a place that has a boundary. And the kingdom of God has a boundary. It has a boundary in existence and even has a boundary within our very being, in our soul.

We know the kingdom of God is spiritual and inside us because of Luke 17: 20-21. We know that the kingdom of God can be entered, and that this entrance is granted to child like nature according to Mark 10:15. But not only is there the requirement of a child like nature, but our spirit must be reborn to even see it. John 3:3.

Please understand. Salvation is not a guarantee to enter the kingdom of God. Salvation is a guaranteed escape of hell, but it is only a guarantee that we will "see" the kingdom of God, not entrance. An entrance that can occur in this lifetime. I know the entrance into this spiritual place of the kingdom of God is for this lifetime because God's word say it.

Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs IS the kingdom of heaven. It does not say their's SHALL be the kingdom of heaven. Jesus said, "But if you cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you." (Matt 123:28) - Here and now.

Not only can we enter it, we can be removed from it... Matt 21:43, "... the kingdom of God will be taken from you..."

The kingdom of God is a mystery that some are given understanding of. (Mark 4:11). In Luke 8:10, "... so that seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand."

The kingdom of God comes with power. Mk 9:1.

I could go on and on, but the kingdom of God is a spiritual place, with a spiritual boundary. A boundary to which entrance has some requirements, the first of which is rebirth. But then remaining requirements are accomplish with surrender to the cross. The result is a restoration of our child like nature, and innocence. But once you penetrate that boundary, the world is a completely different place. Inside the kingdom of God you understand more fully that we are in the world but not of it. Inside the kingdom of God is a kingdom perspective, that effects body, soul, and spirit.

And most important to me, and the reason I am writing a book title The Father, Son, Holy Spirit, & Coming Kingdom Revival is that Jesus said, "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come." There are a lot of gospels being preached. Mainly a gospel of salvation. The kingdom gospel is what is coming, and needs to be preached. The revelation and revival the kingdom of God will create will fulfill Revelation 11:15, where is says, "... The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign forever and ever." This is not a concept. This is not heresy. This is what must occur. This is what will occur. There will not only be an understanding of the kingdom of God, but it will occupy the spirit and soul of every Christian. It will motivate every Christian. It will bear the fruit of love.

The beauty of it all is that unlike many of my predecessors, and peers I do not believe it is anything more than a choice. It is not a salvation issue, it is an issue of becoming what the Bible calls "The chosen generation." "The royal priesthood" that sees the return of Christ. What is further beautiful is that God has already picked that generation. He calls to every generation to be it, but only one, somewhere in time, will stand up and accept the call. One will, in mass, enter the kingdom of God and fulfill Gods work of having man be instrumental in Satan's final stand. But until that day... YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD. Whether others join you or not is immaterial.

But be careful what you wish for. Count up the cost. The price of admission is everything. Everything must be honestly and completely subjected/surrendered to Him, or it must be stripped from you. I would say too, that there appears to be no turning back once you ask to come in. You will have to pay the admission, and it appears to be a non-refundable purchase.

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