Thursday, October 6, 2011

24/7 - He is with you.

Eyes of Jesus by Sarah Sams
Matthew 28:20, "... and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

This exercise of practicing the presence of God is awesome. As a practical way of describing it; I would say that when something comes up that causes me concern, (about 8000 times a day) I pray a simple prayer. That prayer is:

Jesus, I don't want our relationship to be about You solving my issues. I just want to look You in the eyes and enjoy Your company. Help me to live in this moment of Your presence without worry for tomorrow or guilt from yesterday.

And low and behold the peace comes, the issue fades, and an awareness of His presence is sensed.

Likewise when I screw up, (about 5000 times a day) I do essentially the same thing. I pray something like this:

Jesus, I'm never going to get it right. I am sorry that I have_____ again. But I am so thankful for Your grace. I am thankful that You are with me always. Help to lift my head, look in Your eyes, and once again enjoy Your company.

Sounds crazy, but without fail the awareness of His presence has been instantaneous throughout. The past few days have been like a state of constant worship, with a goose bumps raising presence of God.

I still struggle with maintaining this awareness in my interactions with people. In fact, it is a best hit or miss, particularly when someone is pressing my buttons. But I am working on that. But for us all, I hope you begin to practice His presence if you never have. You will discover He is there 24/7, waiting for you to look Him in the eyes and just enjoy His company.

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