Sunday, October 2, 2011


John 6:56 , "He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him."

Jesus said that if we partook in communion, (which is remembering Him as often as we eat or drink) that He would abide in us and us in Him.

That has got to be the ultimate in stem cell replacement therapy. Our food, our substance is the body of Christ. It is His DNA we are introducing spiritually in communion. Even more than that, if you want to consider in the metaphor of DNA, we also share DNA with every other Christian partaking of communion. In communion we are joined by the DNA of Christ, and the blood (life force) of Christ to every other Christian, past, present, and future.

Isn't that an incredible thought? That through the blood and body of Christ, through remembrance of what He did, we are truly blood brother's and sisters with all of the Church. Not just a church defined by physical and doctrinal boundaries, but The Church. Not a church limited by a label, but the unlimited Church that is the body of Christ.

So as you take communion, remember the implications, that it is your connection to the rest of The Body. It connects Catholic to Baptist, Church of Christ to Pentecostal... it connects us all to one another as Christ abides in us and we in Him. There are a lot of us, but only one Christ, and in Him we are one.

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