Saturday, October 1, 2011


1 Thessalonians 5:17, "pray without ceasing;"

I had lunch yesterday with a relatively new friend in my life, and during that lunch we engaged deeply into the subject of what I call the gospel of the kingdom of God. He calls it "practicing His presence" or "living in the now." Either way, regardless of terminology we were talking about the same thing.

You see there is a place with God that few people go. A place of continually seeking His face like described in Psalms 105:4 and yesterday's post. A place like the apostle Paul described as praying without ceasing. This place is a place of constant connection to God. It is a place not only of connection, but of awareness. My computer is constantly connected to the internet, but I am not constantly aware of that connection. God's desire is not only for connection, but awareness.

And so this lesson of continually seeking His face, of "practicing His presence" is something that really is taking on a new life for me. In the past I have understood the connection. I have achieved what I thought was praying without ceasing, but today, in light of so many lessons colliding in my life I see that there is a tremendous amount more than I imagined. And thus the importance of "living in the now" as a description of the process.

A process that scripture would call abiding in the kingdom of God. That is because God abides in His kingdom, a kingdom that He allows to be planted inside of us. As we abide in that kingdom, as we yield to that kingdom's sovereignty, then we abide with God. However, in order to do that, we must live in the now. We must achieve that place spiritually that all that matters is right now. Right now I am looking in the face of God. Right now I am reflecting Christ. Right now what is God doing? This does not mean that God is not doing something that will directly benefit tomorrow, just that what is important is doing it with Him now.

The more I become aware that living in the now is practicing the presence of God -- if I am focused on Him and seeking nothing more than that presence, then everything outside of the now is a distraction to that. Focus on the past, or future is to violate the moment now with God. Scripture says, "Do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Matt 6:34) The only way to not worry about tomorrow is to force yourself to live in the now. To force yourself and say in your spirit, I am going to look at you God, I am going to enjoy you presence.

My truck needs tires, I don't have to walk 5 steps on my property to see something that needs financial attention, and in those moments I am faced with a decision. Do I focus on the kingdom, on being with God without worry; or do a fret and plan how to take care of tomorrow.

Do I turn on the TV and fill my mind with mindless distraction, ignoring everyone and everything around me? (All too often) Or do I enjoy the presence of  God hidden in my beautiful wife, investing in the now with her.

There are endless examples, but the point is NOW is all that matters. Life is full of hardships, and we don't know what it will bring us tomorrow. It may be a struggle that last years. It may be full of blessings. It may even bring death. All we have is right NOW, and right now can be with God in His kingdom. James 4:14, "Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away." Live in the now, focused on the presence of God, for no other reason that to enjoy His company. It is in this lifestyle that everything else takes care of itself.

At least that is what He is sharing with me in this moment... I haven't fully experienced the everything else, but if I will continue to experience Him, everything else won't even matter. 

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