Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Jesus & The Poor

Matthew 26:11, "For you always have the poor with you; but you do not always have Me."

I have recently encountered some Christians who are participating in the Occupy Houston protests. They have their various reasons, and yet the very basis of their argument seems off base. They seem to be in unison with Joe Scarborough of MSNBC as he argued that Christ message was about helping the poor.

This is simple not true. Jesus' central message was the kingdom of God. And in fact when He told us we would ALWAYS have the poor, it was following the immediate act of extravagance poured out on Himself. This does not mean that Jesus was greedy, or we do not help the poor. But it does mean that if you believe there is a political solution or otherwise to poverty, then you are grossly misled. There is no utopia possible on earth. It is contaminated with sin and will be replaced not restored. There will be a new heaven and new earth according to revelation.

That means America or any other nation does not has it right. There is excessive corruption and cronyism through our political structure. There is a need for Christ to overturn the money changers tables in the halls of our Congress and White House.

In essence the leadership of this nation reflects the moral fiber of the country, and in such the problem is moral and not political. Thus a moral solution is needed, and that begins within, not with marches against the boogie man. The solution is in the heart of the individual.

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