Saturday, October 8, 2011

Shepherd's Voice

John 10:27, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me;"

The other day an acquaintance was complaining of sorts about people who say, "God told me..." And perhaps complaining is the wrong word, but certainly there was a significant degree of disbelief. Disbelief caused by a reliance on the scientific method, and dismissal of the miraculous as happenstance, or coincidence.

It made me laugh inside (I hope not out loud) because for me it was God using this person to confirm the need of the book I have written called God Speaks. A book designed by the Holy Spirit to fostering communication with God. It is biblical truths combined with real world examples so that more of us, not less, can say, "God told me..."

But for this person and those who share her disbelief that God does not communicate very often, then I would say that perhaps they just don't know what His voice sounds like. Perhaps it is not the hearing that is the issue, but rather not knowing the sound of the Shepherd; because the sheep "know His voice." (John 10:4)

It is this learning His voice that God Speaks addresses. It is never an issue of a lack of communication. It most often an issue of us not listening. We all have to learn more how to listen to not only the still small voice inside us, but all of the ways God communicates to us His children.

Yes, this post sounds a bit like an infomercial, and I guess it is. But more so this post is a pointing device to a resource all of Christianity could use-- enhanced communication, better hearing the voice of God.

For those interested in ordering a copy it can be found at

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