Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Divine Healing

Luke 10:9, "and heal those in it who are sick, and say to them, 'The kingdom of God has come near to you.'"

As I was leaving the hospital yesterday from visiting my Dad the Lord reminded me of a healing I witnessed some years back. The man was in the VA hospital, and was in need of the exact same surgery my dad is facing this morning. The results of that man's surgery were they found nothing wrong when they got to the heart.

So having prayed for my Dad as well, and having written an entire book on healing; I have to be real and ask myself how do I feel about my Dad's condition.

And for the record this is what I feel. I feel that it is not his time to go, that whether he has the surgery or not this condition is not his end. I certainly would not be foolish and encourage forgoing the surgery, but I do believe that it will go miraculously well. I do believe so much so that even the surgeons will be surprised, and perhaps even question their original diagnosis. I believe that his recovery will be as divinely miraculous.

And so one may ask, why would God allow this? To that I would say we are all challenged in life. That challenge comes in the form of relationships, finances, or health. These same challenges are designed to bring us to the very end of ourselves. To bring us to the place where we are 100% out of control, and thus 100% dependent upon God. It is here where death of self occurs, and where Christ is resurrected in us. So He allows it, so that He can draw us to Him.

I think there is another lesson in this for my Dad as well. My Dad is the biggest giver I know, and for the past couple of days God has allowed him to see those who appreciate his heart (pun intended). The dozens of visitors and hundreds of encouragements are all from God, to give my Dad a big pat on the butt so that when he is through this he can do more of the same.

Regardless though, in divine healing there is one thing that is certain. At some point there is the place where divine healing ends. And it ends for the individual when God decides the relationship with Him is ready to go face to face for real. I thank God that today is not that day for my Dad.

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