Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Finding Life

No need to look on other planets
Matthew 10:39, "He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it."

This evolution, or as Jim would say, revolution into finding life continues for me in spite of the occasional set back. The latest paradigm shift began with the realization that my search and longing for God was more for His hand than His face. That I wanted proof of the relationship to come in the form of divine blessings. Those blessings being material things. Yet God in His wisdom and love said time and time again, My grace is sufficient. There is no need for the material when His grace allows fellowship with Him.

He has said to me, come. And when I did come He said, rest. To which I complained. I don't need rest. I need money. Why doesn't God understand? When all along it was me who was not understanding. I did not understand God was saying come and seek My face. Come and just enjoy My company. God was saying to me what I have been saying to Him all along. Do you love Me just for who I am?

And so as I turn away from seeking the hand of God, and force myself to seek His face. As I force myself to forget His promises, but rather just try to enjoy the mere fact that a wicked, evil man like myself can call on God, and Him hear my voice, let alone answer.... that is enough. And so this exercise of seeking only His face, of turning concern into praise for Him, becomes exponentially easier as the days go on. As a result, my awareness of Him and His closeness increases.

Donald, the worship leader at the church I attend, posted that "The Spirit was so powerful in worship..." I imagine this is a good description most would understand in being aware of God. I like to believe that most reading this have experience His presence even to the point of being overwhelmed. Now imagine that experience a 100 times a day. That is what I am talking about in practicing His presence. It is an awareness that is available by continually seeking His face.

Before this past week I had a routine of morning chores, prayer, and devotional time. My relationship with God was very real, but I would go to Him with the attitude of here are my bullet points for You to deal with, and now that I have spent my time with You - now that we have had Our meeting - I'm off to attack my day... see you later God.

That attitude is the very thing He has been breaking in me. It began with the command to "rest." Which was God saying... don't leave Me. Months and months He said it, and I didn't understand. But now I do. And now in finally resting with Him. in finally coming to the place that I seek His face, that I seek His company and not what He can do. It is from this seeking His face that I had this prayer:

God, I love hanging out with you, but can we go do something together? What a smile from heaven this brought. This is it. This is the next step in life. It is not about having God's blessing for my efforts. It is about doing something with God.

I find it funny that I am just now realizing this. In all the miracles of healing I have seen Him do I always explained to people as getting in God's way. By the Spirit I knew what God was going to do, and then would go get in the way to be the witness. That is what God is wanting to do with us all.

Seek His face, rest with Him, then if we do something, do it with Him.

I know that as I ask if we can do something together that at first it has to be all His idea. But I also know that as time goes by there will be a place where sometimes it is my idea. At that place is where we transition to doing everything together. - - This is the gospel of the kingdom of God. That everyday, in everything we can be with Him, doing His will together.

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