Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tend My Sheep

John 21:17, "He said to him the third time, "Simon, son of John, do you love Me?" Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, "Do you love Me?" And he said to Him, "Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You." Jesus said to him, "Tend My sheep."

Oswald Chambers wrote, "Our Lord has told us how love to Him is to manifest itself. "Lovest thou Me?" "Feed My sheep" - identify yourself with My interests in other people, not, identify Me with your interests in other people."

This idea of identifying ourselves with the interest of others is part of the very essence of practicing His presence. When we are aware of Christ in us then we cannot help but be concerned with the Christ's interest in others. And not only concerned with those interest, but grateful for God allowing us to be part of, and witness to, His reaching out to that interest.

Let me give you a practical example as a husband. I personally hate to make the bed. It is senseless unless someone is coming over. But the Christ in me knows that it is in the best interest of my wife. So for the past couple of mornings I have joyfully made the bed. And as I make it I pray, "Jesus, thank you for letting me make the bed with You. I know that you are concerned about my wife's interest."

Thank you for letting me take the trash out with You, I know you are concerned about my wife's interest.

Thank you for showing me patience and allowing me to instruct my seven year old on brushing his teeth with You. I know You are concerned with his interest.

Thank you for showing me where to get the materials for lights in the barn. Thank you for letting me hang them with You.

Thank you for letting me do the mundane with You, because You value those interest.

Do you see? This gratitude is not confessed. It is lived with the awareness of Christ in me. It is understood with looking at life through His eyes and not my own. If we are aware of Christ in us, then we are also aware of what tending needs to be done with His sheep. I cannot make positive confessions over and over and hope to gain the awareness of Christ. I gain the awareness of Christ and the gratitude, the positive confession, is naturally birthed out of that experience.

I am beginning to understand how Jim Spivey is so truly grateful for being allowed to coach, comfort, inspire, and love so many people in his life. I can only hope to one day walk in it that completely. Completely seeing Christ's interest in others. Not guessing what those interest might be. Not trying to duplicate what Jesus might do, but to see what He is doing in every minute of every day. This is the Christian I hope to be.


No sooner do I write this post at the end of a 16 hour grooling day and the very attitude is tested. A test I failed miserably. Presented with the opportunity to love my step-daughter in Christ as her tire was "flat" too late at night, and too far away, I instead allowed my hypocrisy, and arrogance to get the better of me. I did not focus on Christ Who was saying this is a great opportunity to teach a life skill, but instead took the exhaustion out on her and those in my path. Lauren, this is my public apology. No excuses... I was a turd and should not have been.

I guess I should have realized that Christ is concerned about the interest of others irrespective of our current physical state or energy level. Perhaps next time I will actually live what I believe.

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