Tuesday, October 11, 2011

It's Not that Complicated

Matthew 18:2, "And He called a child to Himself and set him before them..."

Why as Christians do we try to make things so complicated? Why do we judge one another, when it is grace that saves us in the first place. And not only the first place, but grace that saves us in last places too.

God is looking for the simplicity of a child, to call us to Himself. This thing called Christianity is not a complicated system of rules, or rituals. If it were then people like Robert, mentally challenged by schizophrenia, would never make it. But the simple do make it. And in fact those most childlike in their humility are the greatest in the kingdom of God. (Matt 18:4).

So where do we loose it? Where does the cross become so offensive to us? For it is by Christ work on the cross that we are saved. It was there Sin, the nature that causes all sins, was crucified for us. It is at the cross that we are reborn into relationship with God the Father. A Father who "called us our of darkness" and to the cross to begin with. And it is the cross that continues to work in us through sanctification, bring all that is in our nature not of God to it's death so that God can raise up an image of His Son in its place.

And yet we judge people by their socioeconomic status. We think vocabulary sets them apart from God and that the use of words like ass, hell, or others makes them less a Christian. Forgive the play on words, but I don't think God gives a damn about vocabulary. And I know some will disagree and site scriptures related to the tongue, or "let your yes be yes," but reality is relationship to God as little or nothing to do with a socially developed vocabulary. A person can say LMAO in love, and love is the key.

That is not to deny the power of the cross to change and convict a person, but that is the job of the Holy Spirit and the cross working within the believer, not our judgments.

I have a friend that has gone on a gigantic pursuit of Judaism and its "rightful" influence on Christianity. In talking with him for just a few minutes there was so much new vocabulary and new information I couldn't keep up. I just want to say, "it's not that complicated." And more than that, the apostle Paul wrote Galatians to confront the dilution of grace with Judaism. He wrote it to show the cross is bigger than the Law.

Another complexity I have tried to add to Christianity over the years is this pursuit of His presence. There is a book out whose title expressed the attitude. It is called "God Chasers." I have literally traveled North, Central, and South America in search of "revival." In search of that addictive manifestation of the presence of God. Why didn't someone point out to me Luke 17:21, "...'Look, here it is!' or 'There it is!' For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst." (Lit. Inside of you,) I could have saved a lot of time and money had I known it is not about God "manifesting" His presence. It is about us being aware of His presence. It is always there for us to tap into, to be aware of. And in doing so we can have revival all day long if we wish.

How about sin? Is repentance complicated? Is acceptable repentance some long drawn out tearful act of attrition? No my friends it is not. Sin has been defeated, whereas sins will constantly occur. We hope to a diminished level as the work of the cross has its way in us, but until then; sins, the result of Sin, will continue. But Sin and its consequences are defeated. As a result repentance is so simple. It is often times as simple as going right back to practicing the presence of God, to getting before the Father and saying, "Thank you for taking me back. Thank you for not holding _____ against me. I love You!"

Let simplicity rule your relationship with Christ. It is just not that complicated to come to Him as a child. And when you do, I promise He will put you on His lap, and probably hug you while you are there.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this message, Jeff. I truly needed it tonight, a much-needed reminder.
