Monday, October 10, 2011


Dancing Pairs by J Keyser
Mark 6:7, "And He summoned the twelve and began to send them out in pairs..."

Part of the beauty of my Friday spent with Russel in his ministry was that at one point while riding around in the verbal silence dictated by the roaring road noise as a result of his 2/20 air conditioning (2 windows down and 20 miles an hour) was that the entire day felt like Mark 6:7. It was as if, for the day, Jesus had sent us out as a pair. And it makes me think.

What happened to ministry pairs? Oh sure, churches globally have adopted this idea of Husband and Wife co-pastoring a church. But is that truly an example of the pairs Christ sent out?

As I read through four Gospels, every time Jesus sent someone to do something it was as a pair. The seventy were sent in pairs, and the twelve were sent in pairs. The apostle Paul wrote that prophets should speak in two or three and the others pass judgment. (1 Cor 14:29). Again an example of this functioning in pairs.

Again in Matthew 18:20, Jesus says, "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst." This idea of pairs and beyond is perhaps something lost in Christianity. But it certainly can be argued that is it is a kingdom of God concept. That perhaps when the kingdom of God is heralded with evidence, then perhaps part of that evidence will be pairs of ministers going together, with Christ in their midst.

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