Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Game

Revelation 12:11, "And they overcame him (the devil) because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death."

If we are going to play a game, don't you think we should know the objective? And yet we wonder around the game of life never really questioning the end objective. So can I be very clear? The objective of life is for the kingdom of God to utterly displace the kingdom of Satan. To do this, God is demanding that we be a part.

Let me regress for background purposes. The Bible says Satan fell from heaven because he was proud and tried to exalt himself to be equal to God. Some are confused and think that he now is in some epic battle to displace God from his throne. This is not the case at all. Satan knows he cannot replace God. He knows that he cannot capture God and make Him do his will. On the contrary, Satan's only objective is to delay his judgment for as long as possible.To use an analogy, Satan is out on bond, and he is trying to manipulate the bondsman into not picking him up so that God can carry out his sentence.

We know that Satan's judgment is imminent (the return of Christ) when the gospel of the kingdom is heralded with accompanying evidence to all nations. In other words when someone is truly living in the gospel of the kingdom everywhere in the world. (Matt 24:14) We also know that living in the gospel of the kingdom is also equivalent to seeking God's face v. His hand. As a result we know that the "generation" who seeks His face continually will be this end generation. (Psalms 24:6, 27:8, 105:4) This end generation will be what scripture calls the Royal Priesthood, the Holy Nation. And so Satan is about stopping the rise of this generation.

Romans 8:29 talks about being like Jesus, conformed to His image, "so that He would be firstborn among many brethren;" This "brethren" is the chosen generation. This "brethren" along with Christ is the "he" who shall bruise the head of Satan. Look at the referenced scripture. The end generation will overcome Satan. They will overcome him, bring about his judgement because they have lived under the life power of Christ fully. They will be the generation that wholly surrenders to Him, to be His reflection. Such a complete surrender that even death does not stand in the way.

So the game for Satan is to stop the emergence of this generation. All he has to do is move us off course the slightest of degrees. He first tries to kill the idea altogether. He was the inspiration of the murder of Abel and the favor Able found with God. When murder fails the devil, he resorts to dilution. A lie sprinkled in the truth, a tare sown in the field of wheat is all he needs to prolong his freedom. Only hinder, limit, or suppress a godly life and Satan, the enemy, and achieved his objective of prolonging his judgment.

The game is kingdom of Satan v the kingdom of God. The playing field is in our very hearts.

"How shall his (the devil's) kingdom be destroyed? By the nature of the Lamb being so developed in us, the people of God, that all that other kingdom of Satan is undone in principle. And the power of this kingdom, which is an everlasting kingdom, is the power of the nature of Him of Whom it is said, "Thy kingdom..." T Austin-Spraks in The Cross, the Church, and the Kingdom.

I will close with the paradox of it all. We can only ask to be part for ourselves. We can merely seek God's face. It is up to Him to grant us the revelation, the access. Likewise God has already selected out of the future the chosen generation. Our question is, will we be part of it?

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