Friday, October 28, 2011

The Experience

2 Peter 1:8, "For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."

The qualities that Peter is talking about are faith, moral excellence, knowledge, self-control, persecerance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love. All thing we might universally recognize as Christ like characteristics. But does anyone wonder how knowledge leads to knowledge?

This is one of the many truths of the first chapter of 2nd Peter. The quality "knowledge" is in greek known as gnosis. This greek word means objective knowledge. Knowledge learned from study without interaction with the subject. It is also the basis of the term Gnostic. A spiritual Gnostic is being someone who believes that they can achieve enlightenment, or perhaps a higher spiritual connection through learning and studying. All of which is a far cry from "the true knowledge" Peter suggest is available.

The true knowledge come from the Greek word epignosis. Epignosis is subjective knowledge, and that comes from interaction. That come from expereince with the subject. In this case the subject is Jesus Christ.

Many in the Christian community are like the Bereans. Studying the word of God and applying it to life. This is Gnostism in my opinion. The word of God is there to lead us to Christ. And in Christ out of that relationship we live life. Can you see the difference? The Gnostic believes they can somehow study thier way to knowing all that God knows. The Epignostic believes they can snuggle up right next to God, put thier head to His chest, and nothing else matters. That if He needs the epignostic to know something then He will tell him. Until then "not knowing, not hoping to know,and not acting like we know what's happening, we begin to access" the awareness of Jesus Christ. We practice His presence NOW instead of searching His presence in the past to explain today. Does this make sense?

This is not to negate reading the Bible or studying. This is only to put it into perspective. It is one of many qualities that lead us into a deeper relationship with God. In fact I have read my Bible many times over. But I do not read it looking to improve my knowledge. I read it to understand my God more. I read it to compel me to a new experience with Him, or to explained and confirm a new experience I have had.

This is why I write. Not to teach you the reader anything. But to articulate my experiences with God, so that perhaps you might be inspired to go deeper, or to confirm the depth you have already achieved, or to respond with showing me the path to fully knowing God more.

My Mom told me a story yesterday of a woman who expereinced the presense of God on a swing. That it was so real she moved over to make room for Him. THIS IS THE EXPERIENCE I AM TALKING ABOUT. But let me explain something to you. He did not make a special visit to that swing. He was there the whole time, she simply became aware. It is possible to have this experience all the day long.

So to be technically correct, I write because I am having that experience now, and this is what we are talking about. What I write about are those experiences. Go have an experience with Christ today. In fact, have it all day. It will blow you away.

Stop thinking, and start being. An attack by Satan, a test of faith, and the discipline of the Lord all look the same from natural eyes. Relying on intellect, relying on objective knowledge will lead you astray. It is inadequate in comparison to the wisdom of God. But practice His presense. Become aware of His being there, be aware of His thoughts, see what He sees. Be less so that He can be more. Know less so that you can access all that He knows.

If you listen to the attached song, listen to it from this perspective. It is not us asking God to come away with us. It is God singing to us, come away with Me. He is inviting you into His presense. He is inviting your awareness. His heart is open. He is saying to you... open up your heart.

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