Monday, October 3, 2011

Thieving Devil

Mark 4:15, "...immediately Satan comes and takes away the word which is sown in them."

Is there anyone of us immune from having the revelation God grants stolen, or at least attacked by the devil. Certainly I am not. If fact, I could not go 24 hours in the revelation of practicing the presence of God without being made acutely aware why continuously seeking the face of God is not only impractical, but that the world, and those people in it, unintentionally have no interest in making this practice easy.

Practicing the presence of God in solitude is not difficult at all, but in the presence of people it becomes a whole other proposition all together, unless those people are around for the same intent. For me this is no insignificant event, but the whole challenge can me compared to being cut off in traffic immediately following church. That sudden abrupt disturbance of the peace associated with practicing the presence of God.

The disturbance, in whatever form, can produce a negative reaction. This reaction compounds this dis-joining by producing self-loathing and guilt. The guilt from reacting negatively to the cares of the world then causes us to not seek to reconnect to the presence of God at the point we became so easily distracted.

But grace. Grace, what a beautiful word. The unmerited, unearned, favor of God that allows us to boldly approach Him high on His throne. Grace is what allows the humble man (or woman) to come back to that place of practiced presence. It was grace that allowed us to approach in the first place, and grace that allows every time after. I am weak, I am so easily distracted, but God I rely on your grace to be welcomed back again into your presence. And perhaps next time the storm waves won't so easily cause be to be distracted from the beauty of Your Face. But if they do, I know your grace will be available again after I fall.

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