Friday, October 7, 2011

In Me... the next revolution

I in You, You in me
John 15:4, "Abide in Me, and I in you..."

There has come this acute awareness of Christ being present with me all the time. I described it yesterday as a 24/7 experience where when I realize my spirit has drifted from its consciousness of Him; that I can immediate return to the previous state. The state of being in the presence of God, enjoying His company.

And it was in that company, as I walked from my barn to my house, that He conveyed this to me. The Holy Spirit communicated that I was getting pretty good at being aware Christ is "with me." It is now time to work on being aware that Christ is "in" me.

We are all objectively aware that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, but the truth of that statement had never really hit me before. In fact, I don't think understanding it in revelation, or experience, was even possible without this first being aware Chris is with me in everything. But to take the awareness from Christ with me, to Christ in me, invites a whole new set of issues.

It was much easier to practice the presence of God with the idea that Jesus is next to me, or in the same room. It is still easy to practice His presence seeing with spiritual eyes Him in someone else. But "in" me. That involves not leaving Him places. In me means that I can no longer say, "Jesus, wait here, I have something to do... I be right back." In me means that I can no longer say, "hope you didn't hear that" to an outburst at any of Houston's horrible drivers. The implications are huge. Aware that He is in me? Kind of a frightening thought when considered on the level that it also means sin awareness. That I am admitting to myself, He is completely aware of my complete heart. (A truth already) But to be aware He is inside me is to forsake the powerful tool of denial.

But the truth is the truth. He is already in me. The only thing that changes is my awareness. And so, with a certain degree of reluctance I begin the journey of becoming aware He is in me. And with this revelation I realize that this part of us called spirit is more than just a connection to God, but it is in fact God, living inside of us... which necessitates making more room for Him.

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